How to start a project?
What is a project?
A project is a feature that allows you to group multiple tests into the same category. Depending on your subscription, creating one or more projects to organize your tests is possible.Few readersHow to create a project?
To create a project, you must first name it. You can then set up your tests in the "Start a Test" section, where you can track the progress of your different projects. It is possible for a project only to contain one test, but you can also group multiple tests under the same project, such as testing an application in French and English.Few readersWhat is the nature of the available tests?
Tests are various such as ergonomics, functionality, performance, and surveys. For example, you can test a website, an application, a software feature, create an inquiry, etc.Few readersHow to give access to testers for a test?
To grant access to testers, you must provide the access information in the corresponding section. This may include your website, access to a platform, a download link for an application, a document, etc.Few readersWhat is the language of the available tests?
Currently, five languages are available for tests: French, English, Italian, Spanish, and German.Few readers
How to select testers ?
What is the "Invite Testers" section?
The "Invite Testers" section is where you can explain to testers the objective of the test simply and concisely when inviting them.Few readersHow do I choose my testers?
A - Brief description of the test for inviting testers: This section (mandatory) allows you to explain to testers the objective of the test simply and concisely when inviting them. B - Choose your testers TOTAL TESTERS: This first piece of information concerns the number of available testers which meet the initial criteria related to their equipment. YOUR SELECTION: This second piece of information will be automatically updated based on the criteria you will select fromFew readersHow many testers should I select?
The number of required testers is significant and mandatory. In the "YOUR SELECTION" section, you can see the maximum number of testers eligible to apply. Using the "Number of required testers" selection bar; you can then determine the number of testers you need to launch the test. The higher the number of selected testers, the more representative the test results will be.Few readers
How to perform a screening question?
What is a screening question?
Screening questions allow you to ask your testers questions to refine your selection. This step is optional; you can proceed to the test design step if you do not wish to use this feature.Few readersHow do screening questions work?
You define at least one question and at least two answers by ensuring that you indicate the correct answer. If the tester selects the correct answer, he/she is pre-qualified for the test. If the tester selects the wrong answer, he/she will not be able to apply for this test. For security reasons, the tester cannot go back once the answer is selected.Few readers
How to design a test?
What is the "General Information" block?
The "General Information" block is mandatory; it allows you to specify your expectations and recommendations to testers before they start the test.Few readersWhat is the "Out of Scope" block?
The "Out of Scope" block is mandatory. It allows you to provide all indications and elements not included in the test scope so that testers can focus on what is requested during the test.Few readersWhat is the "Remarks" block?
The "Remarks" block allows you to add any additional information you wish to bring to the tester's attention in the online test summary before submitting their application to your test.Few readersWhat are test scenarios?
Test scenarios are composed of one or more blocks. These blocks are then composed of questions asked to testers during the test.Few readersHow to create a "Test Scenario" block?
To create your first "Test Scenario" block, click on the "Add a scenario block" button. A new block will then open below. You must then name your test block with a short and explicit name for testers (mandatory), estimate the duration that the tester needs to answer all the questions of this first block (mandatory), indicate the instructions to testers to answer the questions related to this scenario block, write the first question to the tester and choose the type of response possible from theFew readersWhat types of responses are possible for questions in test scenarios?
There are three types of responses possible for questions in test scenarios: a free response, a list of responses with the possibility of a single response (radio button), and a list of responses with the possibility of multiple responses (checkboxes).Few readers
How to plan a test?
What are the test frequency and schedule?
The test frequency and schedule is a section that allows for the planning and management of the different stages of a test, including the tester selection phase and the test phase itself. This section is used to set the dates for sending out invitations to testers, the duration of the selection phase, the start date of the tests, and the duration of the test phase. It also manages scheduling settings to ensure that tests are carried out effectively and within the specified time frame.Few readersHow much time do testers have to apply to participate in my test?
The selection duration is set to a minimum of 72 hours. You can also launch and end the tester recruitment phase before the pre-selected dates once the setting of your "project" is finished.Few readersWhat is the difference between the "tester selection phase" and the "test phase"?
The tester selection phase is the first step of a test in which clients choose the testers who will participate in their test. Clients can select testers based on criteria such as age, location, language, experience, etc. The test phase is the second step in which the selected testers perform the tests defined by the clients. This phase includes instructions for the testers, questions posed to the testers, expected answers, and instructions for submitting the test results. In summary, the testFew readers
How to set testers’ rewards?
What is the "problem reproduction" reward?
It is a reward that you grant to test takers for confirming that a problem is not isolated by asking them to reproduce the problem. You can limit the number of times deemed sufficient to reproduce this encountered problem.Few readersWhat is the tester's reward for participating in the test?
It is the amount you assign to test takers once their test reports have been validated. This amount is crucial because it is the main success lever for the test taker participation rate, which allows you to have a wider choice of test takers to validate your expectations.Few readersWhat is the issue bounty?
It's a feature that incentivizes test takers to report any problems they encounter during the test phase. The reward is only granted after your validation of the test taker's bug report by you. This bonus encourages test takers to be more vigilant.Few readers
What do the statuses of testers mean?
What does the "Submitted" status mean for testers?
The "Submitted" status means that the tester has applied to participate in the test. In this case, you can approve their application by clicking on "Select" in the right column of the status.Few readersWhat does the "Pending" status mean for testers?
The "Pending" status means that the tester has not yet responded to the invitation.Few readers
Can I start recruiting testers ahead of schedule?
Validation of Reports and Rewards
How are the test reports of testers validated?
The test reports are submitted for validation at the end of the test period. You can access these reports by going to the relevant project (Projects menu) and in the sub-menu "testing." All the reports are in this section with different statuses. Those to be validated or rejected have a "pending" status. You can validate or reject the reports by clicking on "approve all" or by selecting "action" in front of each question. Be careful: if a single question is rejected, the entire test will also beFew readersWhat are the different types of reports that testers can write?
Testers can write two types of reports: the test report that fits within the initial framework of the project and the problem report(s) encountered.Few readersWhat happens to testers if their reports are validated?
Bonuses will be awarded to testers if their reports are validated. If the reports are not validated, testers will not receive any bonus.Few readers
Starter kit
1 - Create an account
Your client account gives you access to the Actiyon platform which allows you to create your first project To create your client account go to and fill in the requested information. An email confirmation message will be sent to you; click on the link to confirm your email address.Featured2 - First connexion
Go to to log in to your customer account by entering your email and password. If you have forgotten your password click on Forgot password ?Featured3 - Profile
Your profile contains information about you and your company. This is also where you will set up your payment method (credit card). Some of this information is mandatory before launching your first project. It is also in this section that you can choose the language of the interface to set up your projects. Today the platform is available in French and English.Featured4 - Project
What is a project? A project is a collection of information necessary for the development of a test or several tests, the main phases of which are General information about the test Selection of the equipment needed for the test Selection of the testers' profiles required for the test Possible additional questions for the selection of testers Design of the test Test planning and rewards for testers Summary of the test and its estimated costs Payment for the test The test seFeatured5 - Invite testers
This selection is divided into two parts. The first part concerns the equipment needed to carry out the test. The second is a more "personal" selection of testers based on criteria such as age, gender, activity or experience for example. 5a - Selection of equipment The first stage of selection concerns the minimum equipment that testers must have. This selection is broken down into three main categories with sub-categories to refine the selection. Computer Brand Operating systemFeatured6 - Screening question
This section allows you to refine your selection of testers by asking them pre-qualifying questions. This step is not mandatory. You first define at least one question and at least two answers, making sure to indicate which answer is correct. In case the tester selects the correct answer he/she is pre-qualified for the test If the tester selects the wrong answer, the tester will not be able to apply for the test. As a security measure, once the answer is selected the tester cannot go back.Featured7 - Design a test
This is where the design of your test project will take place, with the information that is made available to the testers and the flow of the test in the form of questions and answers. There are two main menus to complete: Description Test scenarios 1. Description This menu is divided into 3 parts: A - Add general information : This block is mandatory, and allows you to specify to the testers your expectations and recommendations before the tester starts the test. B -Featured8 - Choose your rewards
In this menu you plan and set up the rewards you give to testers. It is composed of 4 sections which are : A. Frequency and timing of the test B. Tester's reward for participating in the test C. Bonus problem identified D. Reward for reproducing a problem NB: these four sections are mandatory A. Test frequency and schedule This section consists of two schedules: A1 - Tester selection phase: You must select the date on which invitations are sent out and choose the length of time tFeatured9 - Summary and estimation
This menu is a summary of the test settings you have defined for your project, which includes the following information. You can see the details by clicking on the arrow to the right of each item. A. General information Project name Test name Type of test Access information Language of the test General information Remarks Out of field B. Design of the test Age range Geography Language Gender Minimum level of tester (belt) Number of testers neededFeatured11 - Testing phase
The test phase is launched according to the dates set in the Planning & Reward section under the heading "test phase". You can already have an overview of the test process and the first feedback in the "Dashboard" section of your customer area.Featured12 - Validation of reports / Rewards for testers
At the end of the test period, a test report is written by each tester who answers the test questions. Upon receipt, you have the opportunity to validate or not these reports. Depending on this validation, bonuses will be awarded to the testers or not. Two types of reports can be written by testers: 1 - The test report, which falls within the initial framework of the project 2 - The issue report(s) 1 - The test report. Once the report has been completed by the tester, it is submitted for valFeatured13 - Final report
This space allows you to find a summary of the final reports that were automatically generated by the Actiyon platform at the end of the test. Based on this analysis, you can re-launch a new test after any corrections you may have made following this initial feedback from our community of testers.FeaturedIntroduction
What is crowdtesting? Crowdsourced testing helps organizations to test software, apps, websites before releasing them publicly. Organizations can harness the power of public testers to assess and refine, to greatly improve the quality before release. Also, they can hear the real voice of the public. *Crowdtesting for all Crowdsourced testing is a very important tool for startups and smaller organizations. It can greatly lower the burden of developers that smaller organizations areFew readersActiyon in few words
Who are we? Actiyon is a French startup that develops a crowdsourced testing marketplace for startups, companies and organisations. Our goal is to connect companies to our community of qualified testers in order to improve the quality, performance and usability of all their applications and/or websites. Our testers All our testers are qualified according to different criteria such as country, language and skill level. In addition, our testers are trained in testing to provide you witFew readers10 - Recruitment and validation of testers
Once your project is launched, invitations to our community of testers are sent automatically. The recruitment period is the one you have set in the "Planning & Rewards" section During this period you must start validating or rejecting testers whose profile has been pre-selected to participate in the test. To do this, go to the "Projects" menu in your customer area. Click on the project/test for which you wish to make your selection Click on the name of the test In the menu choosFew readers