Articles on: FAQ - Client

5 - Invite testers

This selection is divided into two parts. The first part concerns the equipment needed to carry out the test. The second is a more "personal" selection of testers based on criteria such as age, gender, activity or experience for example.

5a - Selection of equipment

The first stage of selection concerns the minimum equipment that testers must have. This selection is broken down into three main categories with sub-categories to refine the selection.

Operating system
Mobile Phone
Operating system
Operating system
Android Box TV

NB: If no selection is made in these menus, all equipment will be considered eligible for testing.

5b - Selection of testers (section "invite testers")

A - Brief description of the test

A - Brief description of the test for the invitation of testers: this section (mandatory) allows you to explain to testers the purpose of the test when inviting them in a simple and concise manner.

B - Choose your testers

TOTAL TESTERS: This first piece of information is important. It is the number of testers available who meet the first criteria related to their equipment.

YOUR SELECTION: this second information will be updated automatically according to the criteria you select in the drop-down menus below. This number is important because it will correspond to the number of invitations sent.

Quick selection: this first menu allows you to make a quick selection of profiles.

The first criterion of this selection (mandatory) is the minimum belt level of the testers you want, which corresponds to the level of skills and experience of the testers.

The other four criteria (Age Group, Country of Residence, Language and Gender) are "optional", and if none of them are selected, the platform considers all testers eligible to apply for the test.

For a more precise selection of test-takers, depending on your needs, you can indicate your preferences by opening the following menus:

- Age group** Country (of residence)
- Country** (of residence)
- Language** Gender
- Language** Gender
- Education**: which corresponds to the level of study
- Field of study**: the field(s) of study of the testers
- Industry** : The field of activity of the testers
- Type of job** : the testers' field of activity Type of job : the testers' field of activity
- Career Stage**: for information on the tester's position within the employer's hierarchy
- Size of the company** Annual income: for information on the tester's position in the company
- Annual income** Experience
- Experience**: as a tester
- Type of tests**: type of tests testers have already performed
- Focus of interest Sports: practised
- Sports**: practiced by testers
- Music**: style(s) of music enjoyed by test-takers
- Driving licence** Driving licence
- Car ownership** Transportation
- Transportation**: means of transportation generally used by testers
- Children**: number of children of testers

Number of testers required

This selection is very important and mandatory. In the section "YOUR SELECTION " the maximum number of testers that meet the selected criteria is indicated. Using the selection bar you can then determine the number of testers you need to run the test. This number is important because the more testers you select, the more representative the test results will be.

Updated on: 25/11/2022